line by line

In a corridor dim, where shadows dance,
Lies a tale of fate’s sweet happenstance.
Amidst the silence, a scent divine,
A clementine’s whisper, a moment’s sign.

Through echoing halls, its aroma sways,
Guiding lost souls in a soft, citrus maze.
Each step a journey, each breath a song,
In this fragrant passage, where hearts belong.

With golden hues, like sunlit dreams,
The clementine’s glow, a beacon it seems.
Through twists and turns, it leads the way,
To realms of wonder, where dreams hold sway.

In the corridor’s embrace, secrets confide,
As whispers of citrus softly abide.
Oh, sweet clementine, in corridors divine,
Your essence enchants, like aged wine.

This entry was posted in Poetry.

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